Just like the therapeutic technique involving the use of water and pressurized jets to help massage mus-cles and other soft tissues in the body. The unique wave-shaped drum pattern in combina-tion with special wave-shaped 3D ribs softens the fi-bres to provide the most gentle garment treatment for perfectly clean laundry with a minimum wrinkles.
The easy to read EcoEye indicator gives you real time feedback on how efficient your chosen programme is, helping you save water and energy.
All BREDA washing machines are equipped with Brushless motor. This technology is design to last longer because there are no brushes to wear out. efficient with energy, silent and last longer than tra-ditional motors..
Latest innovated dryer technology, the heat pump system offers incomparable protection on your clothes using
This technology is newer to the North American market but has long been the primary dryer option in Europe for many years.
Dryer can be Installed anywhere and flexible and lower maintenance.
Reduces significant about of energy consumption . The average heat pump dryer uses half as much en-ergy as a vented model.